PRB Member Information Sheet

5 thoughts on “PRB Member Information Sheet

  1. Dom Valdecañas III says:

    Hi Miko! Apologies but I’m not aware of what captcha is. However, i tried to fill e-form again today as advised by Dang and it pushed through this time. Thank you for your support. Wishing your group to do more wonders for the board. Your efforts are well appreciated since I personally have been waiting for this platform to be implemented.



  2. Dom Valdecañas III says:

    By the way, do members get an automatic notification whenever there’s a new post / announcement here?



  3. Mikael Manuel says:

    I haven’t setup yet the notifications. If i set the notifications on, it will only send invitation to members to confirm it. Once confirmed by the members, members will be notified of every new article uploaded to the website.


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